The 2024 BDRC Time Trial
» Click here to view marshalling instructions
- This is a 4 mile race with staggered start times.
- Start / Finish
The new start / finish will be located at (what3words) /// (the big road sign just 30 metres from the roundabout).
Car Parking
We have been given permission to use the car park at the new Brackley Community Hospital for TT events only. We have been specifically asked to use the parking bays furthest away from the hospital ie the bays that are adjacent to the new nursing home (obviously not the nursing home parking spaces).
If these spaces are full, please do not park in any other bays - please try to park at the Brackley Central Cafe.
The new route
- As this race will be on open roads all runners MUST wear high viz and run against the traffic flow ie on the right hand side of the road in both directions. This is particularly important in the April qualifying, where light is usually limited. Please note that for 2022 the final will be run on a Sunday morning (TBC), this is due to the failing light at this time of year for evening runs on open roads. We will endeavour to combine this with a club social event also. PLEASE ENSURE YOU KEEP AN EYE ON THE FACEBOOK GROUP POSTS FOR UPDATES ON THIS.
- The staggered start tries to ensure everybody finishes at approximately the sme time. The winner is the first runner ‘home’. Numbered tokens will be handed to finishers as they cross the line. The tokens and names will be matched up to times after the event. Timing will be done by stopwatch.
- At event 1, your handicap, and therefore your start time, will be extrapolated from previous runs.
- Subsequent event start times will be adjusted based on your previous performance. See below.
- Entrants to the time trial will need to comment on the facebook post about start times before 6pm on the day before the event so that start times can be calculated and published. Meeting time for the race will be published the day before the race based on 10/15mins before the first runners start time.
- Entrants will also be able to use these runs towards their club standards submission, if they wish, though because this is not an officially measured distance the committee reserve the right to apply some discretion to submissions.
- Time trials will be run monthly
a. TT1: Tue 23th April 2024
b. TT2: Tue 7th May 2024
c. TT3: Thur 13th June 2024
d. TT4: Thur 25th July 2024
e. TT5: Tue 13th August 2024
Final: Sunday 22 September 2024
Events a to e are qualifiers for the finals time trial in September. Awards will be presented to the first 3 home (regardless of gender!).
Entrants must run at least TWO of the 5 time trials to take part in the final.
Start time adjustments:
a. If you beat your handicap, ie you arrive before the set finish time, your start time for the next event will be adjusted down by 90% of the time you beat the finishing time by, and your start time will be adjusted accordingly.
b. If you fail to break your handicap, i.e. you arrive after the set finish time, your start time for the next event will be adjusted up by 50% of the time you finished after the target finish time.
c. For the final the start times will be calculated based on runners best time in the qualifying time trials. The organisers reserve the right to amend start times in order to keep the race fair and competitive.
» Click here to view the route

» Click here to view marshalling instructions